Stepbac to feeling better
Stepbac is a series of self-help books and courses that explains and teaches:
- how to stop phone addiction
- how to control weight
- how to stop smoking
and other lifestyle addictions. Start today and change your life from 2024
What is the Stepbac method?
Think of Stepbac as a 'mind self-defense' system. Like a burglar alarm for the mind. Install the Stepbac mindset to defend and protect your mind and body from addictive lifestyle habits that are slowly damaging your health, and by extension your happiness. It's easy to be happy when you are healthy. Not so easy when you are unhealthy.
If you struggle with overeating, phone addiction and smoking/vaping, then Stepbac can shield you from long term health issues and disease by teaching you how to change bad lifestyle habits now.
Stepbac is not a drug, or a treatment or a gadget. You have to ‘install’ the Stepbac mindset by reading one of our books. Each Stepbac book explains how to learn and use the simple Stepbac method to take back control of your problem, and then stay in control of your habits which means you control your health.
Good health is precious and vital for a good life. Most of us are lucky to be born with three natural, unique and precious gifts: a body in perfect health, a mind in perfect balance and time we can call our own.
Our body carries us through life, our mind manages the journey and our time is ours to use. During our journey of life, part of our physical health, mental health and personal time will be 'taken'. It will be taken by natural disease, or by the natural effects of aging, or simply by unlucky accidents. That's natural and unavoidable.
But a large part of our natural health is taken from us, or more precisely, is 'stolen' from us, without our consent. By whom? By greedy product manufacturers. Unscrupulous manufacturers steal your health and time every day by tricking you into learning unhealthy, addictive lifestyle habits which make you over-consume products.
These health bandits make easy money from you because addictive habits means you can't stop consuming. You'll keep smoking, vaping, overeating, overshopping and overusing technology because you don't know how to kick the bad habits. You don't know how to 'untrick' themselves from the nefarious methods that the tobacco, food and tech companies happily and knowingly use to create and fuel addictive behavior.
Now some good news! Unnatural health loss - i.e. the stolen part of your health - can be avoided. Stepbac knows how to avoid it and we can teach you.
The Stepbac method helps you to defend your unique and precious gifts of health and time and enables you to take back control of your life and health. Contact us today.
Today's the day.. Why wait?
Learn how to take a Stepbac to a time when you were in control
Take a Stepbac to feeling better
Use the Stepbac method to get back control of health and happiness!
Struggling with
lifestyle habits?
Can't live without your phone?
Spend more time with your phone than with your family?
Often feel hungry and snack a lot?
Constantly shopping for new stuff?
Can't quit smoking?
Generally feeling a bit unhealthy... and unhappy about it?
Change starts today... with Stepbac
You're being
tricked into
bad habits
Order a Stepbac
book today &
get back in control
of your health.
Hi, we’re
Carl &
Peter Williams

We live in Spain near Barcelona and have worked with Stepbac since 2014
We created a habit to help take a Stepbac from lifestyle addictions
Our new Stepbac habit helps us to enjoy food, but not to overeat
Stepbac helps us enjoy shopping, but not buy too much
Our Stepbac habit means we use our smartphones as a useful tool that makes life better - not an addictive toy that makes life worse
Stepbac is a simple way to reverse bad habits and get back in control of your body
Learning a new Stepbac habit will stop you from being tricked into addictive behavior caused by sugar, fat, salt, algorithms and marketing tricks
Stepbac puts you back in control of your health and happiness

So... we researched the heck out of it all and we found the specific reasons for lifestyle addictions.
What's more... we discovered just how easy it is to take back control of daily habits
We created a a new habit of taking a Stepbac from overeating, then overshopping, then overuse of phones.
The Stepbac habit works as a simple defense against many addictions and bad habits
Now, we're sharing our knowledge so that you can do learn to take a Stepbac too!
It's very easy when you learn how. And you'll soon notice an increase in happiness and health.
It’s EASY to
take back control
of your life!
No way!
It can't be that easy!
We're in full control of our lifestyle habits.
We made one new Stepbac® habit and we use this new habit to stay in control of our decisions.
We decide when we. We decide if we want to use it.
Using Stepbac® we control our eating, phone use and shopping - our cravings and bad habits no longer control us.
We are no longer addicted and we beat the addictions.
Our new Stepbac habit makes it easy to control health - to reclaim free time - to let go of anxiety about missing out - to tune out of social media and the internet - and to tune into real life.
And it really is easy... you can do it too.. with no effort, no misery and no missing out.
It's simple as.. Stepbac!

The Stepbac method
The Stepbac series of books explains how easily people are tricked and manipulated into bad lifestyle habits by modern marketing & sales methods.
Stepbac teaches an extremely simple way to replace an unhealthy lifestyle like smoking, overeating or cellphone addiction with a single new habit of taking a "Stepbac" to feeling better.
Make this the year that you reach your health goals using the “Stepbac method".
Stepbac® from Smartphones
New book in Stepbac series. Look more at your family and less at your phone this year.
How to stop Smartphone addiction! “Stepbac from Smartphones“ teaches a simple way to change daily addictive smartphone overuse habits. Learn how to control your smartphone instead of it controlling you.
The Stepbac® method is a simple and natural way to replace unhealthy lifestyle choices and habits and to take back control of daily health, well-being and happiness.
#feelbetter #stepbacmethod #smartphone #addiction
Stepbac® from Overeating
Learn how to take back control of your weight by changing your daily overeating habits to take a “Stepbac“ to your natural and healthy weight.
“Stepbac® from Overeating“ explains the four main things that make you eat too much and teaches you one thing, the Stepbac® action, to help stop overeating.
If you are a nurse or teacher contact us for a FREE ebook edition from us.
A paperback edition of Stepbac® from Overeating is available on Amazon
#loseweight #feelbetter #controlweight #eatinghabits
Stepbac® from Smoking
“Stepbac® from Smoking” is a new, simple way to quit smoking cold turkey using the Stepbac® method.
“Stepbac® from Smoking” is easy, fast and fun, both to read and understand with over 40 illustrations and diagrams to help explain exactly how to stop smoking using the easy Stepbac® method.
Available paperback and Kindle ebook
Stepbac online course
Stepbac offers a range of short 1 hour Stepbac online courses to help readers understand the Stepbac method and for support before and after reading our books.
Choose between an INTRO course to introduce readers to the Stepbac method before reading our books and/or a BOOSTER courses to support readers after reading the books.
"Humans are worth more staring at screens..."
“Because humans are worth more staring at screens than out living rich lives, platforms keep us staring”
Stepbac® T-shirts and merchandise now available!
Are you a Stepbaccer?
Order your Stepbac T-shirts & merchandise on and help us keep our ebooks free and our paperbacks at non-profit prices. Thank you. Or visit our donate page
‘Junk food is the new tobacco’
Britain goes to war on obesity. The tide is turning for the food industry in Britain as Prime Minister Boris Johnson declares war on obesity.
His near-death Covid-19 experience has changed his views on weight and health and has announced regulation that could see bans on junk food outlets near schools and an advertising watershed.
It's easier to be happy when you are healthy
Being healthy makes it easier to be happy. A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you won't have any problems in life, but it will give you the energy, confidence and optimism to look on the bright side of life and make your life as full as possible.
Being unhealthy makes it easier to feel unhappy which drains your energy, confidence and optimism.
So be happy and healthy. It's a win-win. Stepbac is a way to boost health and happiness.
The Stepbac® method helps you take back control of your health which makes it easier to be happy.
Healthy New Year! Learn to control your weight in a natural way.
Want to lose weight and not put it back on? Tired of "fad diets" and don't have time to exercise. There is a better way to lose weight and stay slim. What's the secret to losing weight? Find out in the weight control book Stepbac from Overeating.
#loseweight #feelbetter #controlhealth
How to boost your immune system
Coronavirus: protect yourself better by boosting your immune system. Your lifestyle is very a important factor for your immune system.
Your lifestyle affects how well your immune system is able to protect your body from germs, viruses, and even chronic disease. Stepbac® can be a key factor to help you boost your immune system.
Sugar in UK chocolate bars
Sugar in chocolate bars. Amount of sugar in UK chocolate bars DOUBLES in less than 30 years.
A new study in 2019 by Team from Queen Mary University of London reports that on average chocolate bars produced by Cadbury, Nestle and some UK supermarkets contain 44% sugar by weight in 1992 - and in 2019, contain 54% sugar.
In the book "Stepbac from Overeating" you can learn how excessive amounts of sugar are used to "hijack"the natural human hunger cycle and create overeating habits.
How to lose weight in middle age
How to lose weight in middle age? According to the Health Survey for England from 2016, only 22% of middle aged men in England in the age group 45-54 are a natural weight. That's 4 out of 5 middle aged English men who are overweight or obese.
StepBac® is a long term effective way to change your lifestyle and lose weight in middle age and to stay at a healthy and natural weight for the rest of you life
Best Tips LOSE WEIGHT. HealNew Year's Resolution
Popular New Year's Resolutions For Weight Loss
The new weight control book “Stepbac from Overeating" will help you take back control of your weight by teaching you a simple way to change your daily overeating habits and take a “Stepbac®“ to your natural and healthy weight.
“Stepbac from Overeating“ explains the four main things that make you want to eat too much and teaches you one thing, the Stepbac action, to help you stop overeatingand control eating and food shopping habits.
Best Tips Stop Smoking New Year's Resolution - How to quit smoking
Stop Smoking Tips from the creators of the Stepbac® method - a new and better way to stop smoking called the Stepbac method.
We hope these "Stepbac from Smoking" tips will help you make a success of your most important New Year's Resolution to "Quit Smoking" for once and all.
How to stop vaping
Vaping and e-cigarettes should be banned in the opinion of Stepbac creators and authors of Stepbac series of health improvement books, Carl and Peter Williams.
Vaping or e-cigarettes is a completely pointless product. It has no justification as a valid method to quit smoking. People who stop smoking and start vaping are being tricked.
Bad food choices are killing people. Poor diet causes 1 in 5 deaths globally
A 27 year long study found that one in five deaths globally in 2017 occurred because of poor diet. That's around 11 million deaths because of poor eating habits.
Food is supposed to keep people alive, not kill them. The Stepbac method can help change dietary habits and help you take a “Stepbac“ to a natural and healthy weight.
How to stop teenagers from smoking?
How to stop teenagers from smoking? Advice for parents
Many parents want to know how to stop their teenage children from smoking. Here's how.
Stepbac from Smartphones
Articles about phone addiction

Stepbac from Overeating
Articles about eating & food shopping habits

Stepbac from Smoking
Articles about quitting smoking