In 2019, in the USA, almost 35% of young people reported ever having used e-cigs according to the National Youth Tobacco Survey, an increase from 25% in 2018. A Canadian study shows an increase in e-cig use among those younger than 18 years of 74%, from 8·4% in 2017 to 14·6% in 2018.
The Lancet medical journal reports that conflicting information about the e-cigarettes are leading to young people (<18 years) being unaware of or unconcerned about the harmful effects that vaping might have on their health and go on to say that clear and accessible information should be available to young people to protect their health at this crucial stage of their development.
Quit vaping using the Stepbac ®method
“Stepbac® from Smoking” is based on the Stepbac® method and explains a new, simple way to quit smoking immediately (cold turkey) without treatments, therapy or nicotine replacement products like e-cigarettes, patches or gum.
“Stepbac® from Smoking” is easy, fast and fun to read and understand with over 40 clear illustrations and diagrams that explain exactly how to stop smoking using the easy Stepbac® method.
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