Do you miss smoking and still suffer from cravings to smoke?

The people who miss smoking the most seem to be smoker who quit using their willpower alone - or by using nicotine replacement products like gum, patches etc.
It’s terrible that some ex-smokers seems to miss smoking so much. You quit smoking but you are still suffering after effects of the addiction.
This means that you still feel the pangs and cravings of a smoker, but you never get the relief of lighting up.
Many people go to Google and just type “Help! I miss smoking! or 'How to stop missing smoking' and hopefully some of you will find our website and our method to quit smoking because we can help you.
Maybe we can help by introducing you to the Stepbac® method and the book Stepbac® from Smoking.
In our opinion, here at Stepbac®,this condition of missing smoking long after you quit, happens because you still don't have all the information about how smoking and nicotine affects your brain.
You quit "cold turkey" without any help or information. This means you have an abundance of willpower but you didn’t have - and still don’t have - the right tools to fix the damage that nicotine and cigarettes left behind in your brain.
The tools you are lacking are information tools.
To stop missing smoking you need to understand what it is why you miss smoking and how smoking and nicotine have tricked your brain and created habits and cravings.
If you quit only using willpower and without the right knowledge, then I am sorry to tell you that many of your old smoking triggers and habits from nicotine are still in your brain,
They are still working against you to try to trick you into lighting another cigarette.
Another important factor could be that you still believe that you enjoyed smoking. You still believe that smoking gave you some benefit and enjoyment which you now miss.
We can’t give you a quick answer or solution to this but we can tell you sincerely - that if you want help with this problem of missing smoking - then buy our book and read it.
We are very confident it will help you.
It’s a quick and easy read with simple clear diagrams that explain the sciende.
We know that it has helped ex-smokers to quit and they did not miss smoking because after reading the book they understand how they were tricked by cigarettes in many ways.
The book helps you to understand the whole process. After reading it you will not miss cigarettes in the same way because you will understand that they actually tricked you.
They never really gave you pleasure or helped you relax, or helped you concentrate. We bust those myths in the book.
The “Stepbac® from Smoking” book explains how cigarettes don’t have any real benefits or fix any problems. Cigarettes only create problems.
DISCLAIMER. Individual quit smoking results may vary