More than 6 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 890 000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter in the world on shorelines, waterways and on land.

These are very gloomy smoking facts. We don't think knowing this will help you quit smoking. What it might do is make you nervous and when smokers are nervous, they reach for their cigarettes. There is no doubt that smoking is unhealthy.
Knowing the facts don't help much and as a smoker you will know that it would be better for your health if you quit. So in this article let's look at some facts after quitting smoking. What is a fact is that your life will be easier when you quit smoking. Not just healthier, but easier.
In the beginning you will notice an improvement in your health in many ways. You will probably sleep better, breathe better, have a nicer smell and also be able to taste food better. These are the instant benefits.
Over the long term you will might start to take these changes for granted and sort of forget how your old unhealthy life was when you were a smoker. That's actually one of the best things if you quit smoking using a method like Stepbac® from Smoking.
Using the Stepbac® you will end up forgetting you ever smoked. You won't miss it at all. You will feel like you never smoked. You will be a non-smoker and not just an ex-smoker. And there is a difference.
An ex-smoker secretly wishes they could smoke again. They miss it. The sneak a smoke sometimes. They feel life was better and more fun when they smoked. They feel like they lost something valuable.
A non-smoker is the opposite. They forget they ever smoked. They don't miss it. It is as if they never ever smoked. It never occurs to them to have a smoke ever again. They feel life is better and more fun without smoking. They feel like they have gained something valuable.
As an non-smoker, you will find it hard to believe all the little things you used to do as a smoker. Like buying extra packs to make sure you did not run out at parties. Siting through ashtrays to smoke a butt in the morning if you had none left. Begging cigarettes off strangers. Getting up in the middle of the night to buy cigarettes. And so on.
All that hassle and stress goes away when you are a non-smoker. People who smoke generally think it relieves stress but actually it is very stressful being a smoker. Running out of cigarettes, or not being able to smoke for hours, or getting dirty looks when your smoke blows into someones face and so on.
When you are a non-smoker all those little hassles that smokers live with all time just disappear. These are the facts you should focus on.
Life can have many problems, but smoking does not solve them. Smoking is one of the problems. The only fact you need to know is that Quitting Smoking is one big problem less in your life.
DISCLAIMER. Individual results may vary