Stepbac® is a simple way to replace many unhealthy habits with a single new habit of taking a "Stepbac" to a healthier lifestyle.
3 books have been published in the Stepbac series.

Stepbac is a simple way to replace many unhealthy habits with a single new habit of taking a "Stepbac" to a healthier lifestyle.
One could say that the Stepbac method is a kind of health "time-travel" to reset oneself to an earlier and healthier version of oneself - before bad lifestyle habits took over.
The Stepbac method forms the basis for a series of self-improvement books written in an very easy-reader style with many clear illustrations to back up the Stepbac style that mixes common sense and common science.
Stepbac books are written in a clear language so that everyone can understand and use Stepbac.
Many Stepbac readers have been able to take back control of their daily health, well-being and happiness and we're sure you can too.
Make 2022 the year that you achieve your health goals using the “Stepbac® method".
To support Stepbac readers we launched online Stepbac courses from 2021.
“Stepbac® from Smoking”

The first book in the Stepbac series was published in 2016 and is called “Stepbac from Smoking”. "Stepbac from Smoking" explains the four main things that make people addicted to smoking and then teaches a simple way to stop smoking. Buy on Amazon in ebook edition or paperback at special reduced prices during 2020 and entire Covid-19 pandemic.
Stepbac from Smoking review
"Just finished reading the book and smoked my last cigarette.
It's great book and I believe it will help me quit.
It's very practical book and backed up with science."
Mohamed Hamed.
“Stepbac® from Overeating”

The second book in the series is called "Stepbac from Overeating" was published in December 2018.
“Stepbac from Overeating” helps people to take back control of their natural and healthy weight.
It explains what makes people eat too much and then teaches a simple way to eat the natural amount of food to keep the body healthy and how to do this without misery or discomfort or even really making an effort.
It's very easy to eat less when you understand how to control food shopping and eating habits.
Stepbac is not a diet book, a fitness book or a cookbook. There are millions of such books available already and to be honest, judging by the average weight riseof western populations, diets, gyms and cooking guides are not effective.
How is "Stepbac from Overeating" different?
This book is different because it explains how the food industry is able to trick minds and manipulate daily food shopping and eating habits.
Most people already know, that to be healthy, one has to eat healthy food, have a healthy weight and exercise more.
We all know it, but can't seem to do it. There are thousands of diets, exercise programs and healthy cook books that have been around for decades - and yet they have failed to combat the weight gain and unhealthy lifestyles.
The diets, gyms and cookbooks have achieved little except to make people miserable.
The path to a long term healthy and natural weight is to understand how to eat less but without misery or suffering or even effort.
Eat well but eat less. Eat less and be heathier and happier.
Stepbac shows how how to do that. It's simple and it will work.
It's been known for decades how the food industry methods and processed food contribute to long term bad health, but it's out of control now.
The food industry has lost the plot and are slowly killing people with food. Food is supposed to keep humans alive, not kill them.
In the book "Stepbac from Overeating" we explain what's going on in a very clear and simple way, so that anyone can understand how they are being tricked.
Using Stepbac you eat the whatever you want, just less. No misery, no suffering.
How is that possible?
When you know how you are being tricked into overshopping for food and overeeating, then it's much easier to untrick yourself.
Stepbac is a way to take a easy and small daily “Stepbac” from shopping for too much food, from cooking too much food and most importantly from overeating and over-snacking every day.
By replacing many automatic and unnecessary food related habits with one habit of taking a Stepbac, then gradually you will regain control of your body´s natural health so that slowly but surely, over time you will drop down to a healthy and natural body weight - and stay there.
During these times of Covid-19 weight is an important factor for good health. Being at a little healthier weight is part of having a strong immune system that is better equipped to fight virus infections and other illnesses.
Available in paperback and ebook on Amazon (.com), and in ebook on Kobo and Barnes&Noble
Stepbac from Overeating reviews
"I loved this book. Simple, practical, and actionable.
It will work, 100%, if one understands the 4 reasons we all overeat, and then employs the 4 steps in the Stepbac method.
The Williams Brothers have nailed the problem, and provided an easy to follow solution for all us - Stepbac!
The Williams Brothers have nailed the problem, and provided an easy to follow solution for all us - Stepbac!
Highly recommend."
John E
"Stepbac® from Smartphones" - how to stop smartphone addiction.

More titles in Stepbac® series in development:

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