Stop vaping using Stepbac method

Stop vaping using Stepbac® method

Vaping and e-cigarettes should be banned, in the opinion of Stepbac® founders and authors of Stepbac® books, Carl and Peter Williams.

Stepbac® has nothing good to say about vaping.

What good is there to say about e-cigarettes?

E-cigarettes cause nicotine addiction, just like tobacco cigarettes do

E-cigarettes get teens hooked on nicotine, just like tobacco cigarettes do

There is growing evidence that e-cigarettes cause lung injuries, just like tobacco cigarettes do

There is no justification to switch from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes.

Vapers still inhale chemicals into your lungs,

Vapers still put your health at risk.

Vapers are still tricked into thinking smoking has a benefit.

Vapers are still tricked into thinking smoking is cool.

Vapers are still addicted to the drug nicotine.

So inconclusion, switching from smoking to vaping is like drinking gin in a cup instead of a glass. It's the same thing in a different form.

Smoking is  nicotine addiction and a collection of habits. Stepbac can show you how to stop smoking in a simple way.

Users of Stepbac® from Smoking become non-smokers, not ex-smokers. 

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DISCLAIMER. Individual results may vary

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