Ways to Quit Smoking. How to Quit Smoking

Ways to Quit Smoking. There are many ways to stop smoking. How to Quit Smoking.


Ways to Quit Smoking

There are many ways to stop smoking. How to Quit Smoking


Here are the most popular ways to quit smoking.

1. Cold Turkey
Cold turkey means quitting yourself without any help.No methods, no plan, no books, no nicotine gum or patches. Just willpower. It's consider the best way by many smokers, because it's so simple, you just decide to stop smoking and then you do it. Wonderful. But it's just not that easy. In fact it's the toughest way to quit smoking. If you can do it then good for you, becuase apparently it's the most effective way to stay off smoking long term, according to studies. But for most smokers it can't be done. What's the next best way to stop smoking.  We think the next best option is to quit smoking Warm Turkey

2. Warm Turkey
 Quit smoking Warm Turkey? Say what? Is the turkey fried? Is it a turkey in the tropics? Ok, busted! We made the name Warm Turkey up ourselves, so let us explain what it means. If you use a method like “Stepbac® from Smoking” to stop smoking, then you are getting help and then it's not 100% Cold Turkey. Warm Turkey means that you read a book to find out how to quit Cold Turkey. So we call this Warm Turkey method because the book "Stepbac® from Smoking" teaches you how to quit Cold Turkey after reading the book.

3. Nicotine replacement methods

Another way to stop smoking is to replace smoking with nicotine gum, patches, vaping etc. Many webpages recommend this method - perhaps because there is a giant industry selling nicotine replacement products.

We don't think these methods make sense because you get the same drug in a different package. Like quitting drinking alchol by replacing whisky in a glass with whisky in a teacup. Same same. If you used a method that helps you understand how you got addicted, why you are addicted and how to change your smoking habits and cravings, then you will understand how you can quit by yourself without nicotine replacement products. If you just use nicotine in another form you are still addicted to nicotine and you still don't know why. Forget this way. Read “Stepbac® from Smoking” instead and learn how you were tricked by nicotine and cigarettes - and how to untrick yourself for good.

Buy Quit Smoking book "Stepbac® from Smoking" on Amazon
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Buy Quit Smoking book "Stepbac® from Smoking" on Amazon